At 埃尔迈拉大学 you can be involved with environmentally minded activities in many different ways. From student clubs to administrative committees, classes to local and abroad internships, you can involve yourself as much as you can imagine. 


EC教员, in collaboration with the 环保会 and all of the EC community, began hosting an annual Climate Teach-In seeking climate solutions and justice. 我们的目标是要有生产力, informative discussions about solutions in our own community and abroad. Last year we had many students volunteer to moderate panels of experts from in and out of the community to discuss these important issues.


We have an active environmental club on campus. The club has recently built an Augmented Reality Sandbox for demonstrating environmental processes as well as organized a new recycling plan for the school, 还有很多其他的倡议. 如有兴趣加入电邮


As 埃尔迈拉大学 moves toward becoming more sustainable the Long Range Planning Committee has started a subcommittee called the EC 可持续发展委员会. This committee is focused on blending three different types of sustainability on campus: environmental, 财政, 和社会. The committee is made up of senior administrative staff within the college, faculty, and students. This is the committee where you can have a say in the environmental direction of your college. 联系 如果你有兴趣加入.


We identify four leaders (one in each graduating class) to help move sustainability forward on campus. These 可持续性的领导人 have access to a separate house for office and planning space. Their primary duties are as follows: Planning and executing a sustainable initiative on campus. Research how to best incorporate sustainability into building renovations, using a designated space as a practice area for those renovations. 例如, 研究照明, 地毯, or painting options by determining the best sources for materials that balances the impact on the environment and on people with financial constraints. Once researched, students receive assistance in implementing the project and can test the results.


All students at EC are required to complete a hands-on internship either locally or abroad. You can use this opportunity to give yourself a leg up in the hiring process. We have relationships with many local, 区域, and international agencies such as Tanglewood Nature Center, 阿拉斯加野生动物保护中心, mg冰球突破豪华版下载市, 新英格兰水族馆, 纽约州立公园系统, 和杰雷斯研究中心, 在许多其他方面.


You can learn more about related community engagement and on-campus employment opportunities in MyEC through the Job Postings and Community 参与ment options under the Student Tab. 有关实习机会,请访问 EC握手 or mg冰球突破豪华版下载Alumni之火. For additional help exploring opportunities, contact the 就业服务办公室.
